Have you ever been tempted to buy bundles of lovely precut fabrics? Then you don’t know what to do with them? Well, now we have an entire magazine dedicated to this dilemma. In this Quilters Companion special, you will discover fabulous projects ranging from simple pieced to beautiful appliquéd quilts – all made from fabric precuts!
Editor’s JOURNAL
WHAT IS A FABRIC PRECUT? • The fabric precut fat quarter has been around for years, but there is a huge array of different-size precut fabric packs available from your local quilt shop. What is a precut? As the name suggests, they are quilting fabrics already cut to certain sizes to piece into a quilt. If you aren’t familiar with some of the lingo quilters use to describe different precuts of fabrics, here is a guide to the basic precuts. Please note that some companies call certain-size precuts different names.
Quiltcon AND THE Modern Quilt Show 2016
OCEANS OF Colour • Michelle Marvig of Orangeville, NSW took the traditional Ocean Waves block and adapted it to be cut and pieced from 2½in strips. She then carefully grouped the fabrics in colour families to create rings of colour.
Lily • With some clever cutting of fat quarters, Leanne Harvey of Mount Vincent, NSW came up with a fabulous recipe to make these striking Lily blocks. Be sure to follow the cutting instructions carefully. Remember the golden rule – measure twice, cut once!
Arrow • Vanessa Goertzen of Santa Clara, Utah USA is a Moda fabric designer and quilt designer. When approached by Quilters Companion, she jumped at the chance to design a quilt for Quilts from Precut Fabrics.
Vanessa Goertzen • It’s all about the fabric
Curiosities • The title of this quilt draws its name from the fabric range that Moira de Carvalho of Somerville, Vic used to create it – Curiosities by Jen Baker for Art Gallery Fabrics. It is simply made with 20 fat quarters and a background fabric.
Moira de Carvalho • Not wasting time
TELEVISION Personalities PIXELATED • Quilter Kristy Daum of St Louis, Missouri USA, has very successfully created pixel quilts of two leading British actors.
A PARLIAMENT of Owls • Using only a fat quarter and some charm squares, Kevin Kosbab of Stockton, California, created this very clever owl quilt that utilises the Drunkard’s Path block.
Kevin Kosbab
Fruit TINGLES • Kate Henderson was well versed in designing and making quilts from 2½in strips when she took on this project for Quilters Companion, as she had just finished her second book on quilts made from 2½in strips, called Striking Strip Quilts. You can read more about the book on page 116.
Bloom • Jenelle Kent of MacMasters Beach, NSW designed this quilt using her very own fabric range, Honey Berries. She has mixed Jelly Roll strips with just two other fabrics to create this delectable quilt.
Jenelle Kent • Drawing inspiration from the Hamptons
now AND zen
Star FALL • Kate York of Glen Waverley, Victoria, designed this quilt to be made from fat eighths, and it is super easy to create, requiring you to cut squares only – no triangles!
Books • Look for these great titles at your nearest book shop, patchwork shop or contact either Ascot Lane (03) 9873 3362 or Craft Book Wholesalers (03) 9335 4822 (unless otherwise noted) to find out where you can purchase a copy.
Tools AND EQUIPMENT • Before embarking on making your quilt, you will need to ensure you have the right tools and equipment for the job. Some of the tools needed for quiltmaking are everyday sewing items and others are specialist tools you will need to source from your local quilt shop.
Basics • Before you embark on any quilting project and especially if this is your first quilt, you’ll need to make sure you have all the equipment and...