Food & Beverage Reporter (FBR) is one of South Africa’s leading B2B magazines, with a track record of more than 25 years in the industry. With thought leadership and in-depth coverage of technical topics, news, and local and international developments across the foodbev and allied industries, the magazine caters for South Africa and neighbouring countries. FBR also carries a specialist Packaging& Processing Reporter section in each issue, exploring technology, ideas, and trends in these key segments of the food chain. In response to changing readership trends we offer a fully digitized publication, with both Apple and Android apps In March each year, FBR’s annual Supplier Directory is distributed both in print and online versions providing you with a handy guide to local suppliers and service providers on the continent.
From the editor
Food & Beverage Reporter
Africa’s new beverages production line drives growth
Initiative launched for the unsung heroes among us
Crespel & Deiters Group constructs new state-of-the-art silo building in Ibbenbüren
Symrise expands powder blending facility to boost production capacity and efficiency
Milked: How plant milks are now dominating the dairy aisle
Eskort launches air fryer range
Start with the end in mind Aligning your business decisions with true commitment to food safety • In our previous articles, we laid the foundation for starting a food business, emphasising the importance of understanding legal requirements, which govern food safety in South Africa. We discussed the critical role that a Food Safety Management System (FSMS) plays in documenting your processes and ensuring compliance. However, before you proceed further, it’s crucial to take a step back and ask yourself: What end do I have in mind?
Trade restrictions on Brazilian poultry deal heavy blow to South Africa • Glaring mismanagement and inconsistent trade policies are creating a disaster for South African businesses and consumers following the blanket ban on poultry from the entire Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul due to a single case of Newcastle disease.
South Africa’s beverage industry: a thirst for growth and innovation • South Africa’s dynamic beverage industry offers a diverse selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic options that appeal to a wide array of consumers. This sector is not just a major contributor to the country’s GDP; it is a cornerstone of economic growth, fuelled by evolving consumer habits, urbanisation, and a rising population. The industry’s impressive performance has drawn attention from both domestic and international investors, positioning it as a key player in the nation’s economy and paving the way for further consolidation in the future.
Pulp Fiction or Pulp Precision? • The density of fruit concentrate has a direct impact on the flavour, texture, and overall quality of the final product. Incorrect levels result in an inconsistent product that fails to meet consumer expectations and industry standards.
Oil-free vacuum reduces costs and ensures a high level of hygiene • The classic glass beer bottle offers numerous advantages for producers and consumers compared to other types of containers. In addition to a fresh taste and protection from external contaminants, the bottle design communicates the brand image and contributes to the enjoyment of the beverage. With this in mind, it’s no coincidence that in Germany alone, there are currently several billion glass bottles from various breweries in circulation.
Metal detectors – a critical component of food health and safety • There are several types of metal detectors, and each uses a different detection method to operate. In the food industry, metal detectors usually apply the balanced coil method. These metal detectors are equipped with a transmitter coil,...